We all want earn money by internet but we all can not succes in this like ptc or ads ! Now in this tmie FOREX is very populer in all over all! it is a new way to earn money  free or intvs. so if we are want earn money and how it 1 New we see that

Do you play strategical game on your computer? if yes, then why  dont  you play it
in real life?. So here in short  i have explained your question "what is forex?".
But we are afraid to invest our own money such a risky game where bangladesh bank forbid to invest money in Forex at the very first of this year. So you dont need to
invest your presious money in forex but a little  hard work to gain the investment money. then you can easily invest and profit and more over by this process you can rich your knowledge about forex.
First you have to mange the virtual investment money. i said virtual, it s mean
here you can earn but you can not get or withdraw that money directly but
can invest it in FOREX TRADING. And when you gain a profit From forex you can withdraw that money.
First you have to sign up a forex forum and have to post there. you get .20$ for your each post and referral get .10$ for each post. Then you transfer that money your forex trading and you can trade by this virtual money. When you get a profit then you can withdraw it.
here is the link of that forum:
sign up here and after sign up choose the General topic to discuss your thing. it is
easy to post and discuss,  even you are a newbie.
P.s.: Dont make several account from One IP. you be banned by the admin.
To learn about forex those link can be useful:
facebook link:
you can get more group in facebook, just join with them.
Some information for newbie:
*first of all forex is not gambling
*it needs time, discipline and a proper knowledge at the core point in forex
*In forex you have to control your emotional facts, dont be greedy.
*and try to gather a vast knowledge about FOREX rather you cant win.
Happy trading, thank you.

                >>>>>THANK YOU ALL MY VISITORS<<<<<<

                                                                                         BY: ADMIN